As you may be aware, following a consultation with stakeholders, including Awarding Organisations and centres, our qualifications’ regulators made changes to the H Conditions in the General Conditions of Recognition in 2019. Awarding Organisations had to be compliant with these changes by September 2021.

These changes were in relation to quality assurance processes, most notably the introduction of Centre Assessment Standards Scrutiny (CASS) as a concept, and the need for AOs to produce a CASS strategy.

The changes also confirmed our regulator’s definition of Moderation and set out certain qualifications that must be moderated. Where Ofqual hadn’t specifically stated that Moderation must be used, AOs had to determine this for their qualifications. This had a potential impact on the suitability of DCS for certain qualifications, as Moderation requires that QA checks are completed prior to the issuing of results/award of certificates.

Following a review of our portfolio of qualifications we have not disallowed DCS for any additional qualifications. There are a number of qualifications that we do not allow DCS already.

Our review has meant that there will be some changes to how centres can achieve DCS and the amount of Quality Assurance required. This will take into account our risk-based approach for the qualification and the centre. For example, a high-risk qualification where DCS is not permitted may require three satisfactory activities with sampling of 30% completed.

The graph below gives an indication as to how this works.

We have published an FAQ document to answer any anticipated questions that you may have and for your reference. If you have any additional questions or wish to feedback about CASS, please get in touch with the Quality team.