Here at Training Qualifications UK, we continuously drive towards improving our qualifications. Following conversations over the past months with external stakeholders, we have decided to make changes to the TQUK Level 1 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF). 

What has changed?

Assessment Methodology and Awarding

Currently, the TQUK Level 1 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF) is assessed through a 100% internally set and marked portfolio graded P/M/D/D*. Portfolios are submitted to TQUK on an annual basis during the Summer. Following this, submitted work goes through a moderation process before confirming grades. Learners are required to pass each unit to achieve a minimum overall pass. This awarding process will be used for the 2021/22 academic year.

From the beginning of the 2022 academic year, the qualification will be transitioned from being graded by P/M/D/D* to pass/fail. The qualification will be assessed through a portfolio of evidence. The new version will be classified as a CASLO (Confirm the Acquisition of Specified Learning Outcomes) qualification, meaning learners will be expected to meet all assessment criteria across all four mandatory units. Awarding of this qualification will not be restricted to the academic year, and learners can be claimed at any point of the year.

Once a learner has been claimed for our pass/fail CASLO qualifications, they will enter sampling. At this point, a sample request is issued to the Centre. Once TQUK has received the requested samples, we will process samples in 10 working days. Once sampling has been completed, certificates are released for the claimed learners. Centres do have the opportunity to claim Direct Claim Status (DCS) for qualifications. DCS is granted when Centres meet the necessary eligibility criteria, including completing an annual activity within the previous 12 months of DCS being granted, along with the awarding of the required number of cohorts with no actions issued to a Centre.

Centres will be provided certification immediately upon claim where DCS has been granted and sampling will be undertaken at the next scheduled EQA activity. DCS status is reviewed during the annual EQA activity.

TQUK has a process to approve centre devised assessments to support Centres in developing assessment materials for our qualifications. During this process, Centres provide TQUK with assessment materials they intend to use for a qualification, which is then reviewed and approved. This process helps prevent unforeseen issues that may be encountered during the sampling process. 

Assessment Content

Assessment guidance has been adjusted for all units to make the qualification consistent with TQUK’s general approach to Pass/Fail CASLO qualification. Furthermore, we have adjusted the following assessment criteria to support Centres that will be delivering the qualification from 1st September 2022.

Defining a sustainable construction project – F/615/8822

AC 1.1 changed from “Define Sustainability” to “Define sustainability in a range of contexts”. 

AC 1.4 changed from “Present sustainability issues to a relevant audience” to “Outline current sustainability issues in the local community”. 

AC 1.5 changed from “Identify and communicate ways of improving sustainability in the local community” to “Identify ways of improving sustainability in the local community”. 

LO2 changed from “Understand issues related to the local community in construction projects” to “Understand local community issues related to a construction project”. 

AC 2.1 changed from “Use a range of methods to discover who lives in the local community and suggest ways to demonstrate results” to “Use a range of methods to discover who lives in the local community and suggest ways to demonstrate results”. 

AC 2.2 changed from “Engage the community in the design and planning processes of a building project in their role as ‘client’” to “Outline how the community can be engaged in the design and planning of a building project in their role as ‘client’”.

AC 2.3 changed from “Respond to identified community needs with specific solutions” to “Describe how community members with a range of personal or physical challenges will be considered during the design of the project”. 

AC 2.4 changed from “Research the impact of a construction project on the local community” to “Outline how the project impacts the local community and how their views will be taken into account”.

Roles in construction project teams – L/615/8824

AC 2.5 changed from “Explain that a design brief requires clear and effective communication with the client” to “Explain the importance of a clear design brief to support effective communication with the client”. 

AC 3.4 changed from “Recognise the symbols that represent building services on a plan” to “Identify the symbols that represent building services on a plan (drawing)”.

AC 3.5 changed from “Describe how end-users impact the sustainable design of your unit” to “Describe how end-users impact the sustainable design of a building”.

AC 4.2 changed from “Indicate how natural and manmade features impact the layout of a landscape design” to “Describe how natural and manmade features impact the layout of a landscape design”.

AC 4.4 changed from “Demonstrate how you can use a water level to determine changes in height” to “Describe how you can use a water level to measure changes in height”.

AC 4.6 changed from “Use characteristics of the school landscape as a basis for a detailed landscape plan” to “Produce a detailed landscape plan”.

AC 6.1 changed from “Outline the role of a Facilities Manager in the context of a school building” to “Outline the role of a Facilities Manager in the context of a familiar building”.

AC 6.2 changed from “Use empirical evidence to inform the sustainability of a school” to “Describe positive and negative aspects relating to sustainability in a familiar building”.

AC 6.3 “Gather information by interviewing school staff” has been removed.

AC 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 become AC 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5, respectively.

AC 6.5 “Relate evidence to the development of a building project” changed to AC 6.4 “Relate sustainability research on a familiar building to the development of a building project”.

AC 6.6 “Establish resource efficiency guidelines to support the facilities management roles” changed to AC 6.5 “Outline resource efficiency guidelines to support the facilities management roles”.

Producing a technical design and sharing information – R/615/8825

AC 1.2 changed from “Set up a 3D model using simple architectural and aesthetic elements” to “Produce a 3D model using simple architectural and aesthetic elements using digital software”. 

AC 1.3 changed from “Input, organise and combine information in a 3D environment” to “Demonstrate how to input, organise and combine information in a 3D environment using digital software”.

AC 1.5 changed from “Create a drawing on a title sheet” to “Produce fully annotated drawings on a title sheet using digital software”.

AC 2.1 changed from “Demonstrate the value of professional collaboration and the sharing of information in a building project” to “Explain the value of professional collaboration and information sharing in a building project”. 

AC 2.2 changed from “Use tools and techniques to present a building project in a 3D environment” to “Demonstrate the use of tools and techniques to present a building project in a 3D environment”. 

AC 2.4 changed from “Communicate detailed information about their building to a client and project team using BIM-enabled CAD technology and methods” to “Explain how information about the building would be communicated to the client and project team using BIM-enabled CAD technology and methods”. 

Planning permission, costing and presenting a sustainable building project – D/615/8830 

AC 1.4 changed from “Develop a structured argument to support a given planning application scenario” to “Produce a structured argument that supports a planning application in a particular scenario”.

AC 1.5 changed from “Agree appropriate measures to conclude a successful planning application” to “Outline appropriate measures to conclude a successful planning application”.

AC 2.3 changed from “Select sustainable goods and services from local sources where practicable” to “Identify sustainable goods and services from local sources”.

AC 3.1 changed from “Support a presentation with appropriate digital technologies” to “Present your final building project using digital technology”. 

Please find the updated specification here. The new version will be made live on 1st September 2022. 

SCQF Accreditation and Insight impact

Currently, the TQUK Level 1 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF) is credit rated by the City of Glasgow College at SCQF Level 5. The Total Qualification Time (TQT) of the qualification is 240 hours, and consequently, the qualification receives 24 SCQF Credits. We do not anticipate that the change in the assessment approach will affect this. 

Additionally, Training Qualifications UK report results of our Scottish based learners to Insight on an annual basis. Based on the Insight Tariff Point Calculator here, in the 2021/22 academic year, the TQUK Level 1 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF) attracts the following tariff points: 

  • Distinction/Distinction* – 64 tariff points 
  • Merit – 54 tariff points 
  • Pass – 44 tariff points 

Insight tariff points for the TQUK Level 1 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF) will be 44 for all learners who complete after the 2021/22 academic year. Learners may wish to progress onto the TQUK Level 2 Certificate in Design, Engineer, Construct! The Digital Built Environment (RQF) currently attracts the following tariff points: 

  • A/A* – 156 tariff points 
  • B – 134 tariff points 
  • C – 122 tariff points 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact