As I sit to write this blog, an interesting comparison unfolds before me – ChatGPT on one screen and Word on the other. I’m used to writing blog posts composed of my thoughts and emotions. Nowadays, that’s a bit different – I can type anything into ChatGPT and a wonderfully written blog appears before me.  

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but it does bring up the question – can AI be used effectively within the education industry and to write blogs such as this without some human emotion behind it? 

Let’s start with the amazing benefits of AI. It can offer us solutions that mimic human intelligence. ChatGPT, my personal favourite AI tool, can generate content that often seems very similar to what a human could produce. However, the question of credibility arises – Is AI better than humans when it comes to creating content, especially in critical areas like education? (As a Marketing professional within the education industry, I really hope not!) 

While nobody is doubting AI’s capabilities, there are some things it just can’t replicate. Human writers can understand context, empathise, and include their personal experiences. These all allow a relationship between the writer and reader to form, generating more engagement. For example, would this blog post be as engaging if I didn’t include tidbits on my own personal background and experiences? 

In the world of education, where sharing knowledge needs to be a mixture of information and inspiration, the human touch remains invaluable. 

However, AI also looks to benefit the education industry with personalised learning experiences, intelligent assessment tools, and efficient administrative tasks. Its journey into the education world should not be replacing humans but enhancing them.    

As I think about finishing this blog post, the screen displaying ChatGPT and the screen hosting Word blend into a seamless narrative. Just as AI and human input can merge into the education landscape to make for a brighter and better educational future.  

And one thing is for sure, AI would never be able to replace me, who’d eat all the biscuits in the office?!