Recap: On the 8th September 2019, I will be running the UK Fast City of Salford 10k with friends and family in aid of Brain Tumour Research.

It’s going to be an incredibly proud day for me and my family as I run in memory of my mum, Julie, who we will have sadly lost 10 years ago on the 5th September and Pidda our much loved family friend, who we also lost this year after his own 10 year battle with tumours.

I’ve got roughly 10 weeks to get into shape for my first 10K (I’m currently running 5k’s, but more on that later) and TQUK is showing their support along the way as well – some will be running, some will be sponsoring, some will be sharing their story.

10K for 10 years seems fitting.

Brain Tumour Research

The running team and I are raising money for Brain Tumour Research as it’s the horrible disease that kills more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. And yet historically, surprisingly and alarmingly, it only receives 1% funding of the national spend on cancer research.

Brain Tumour Research aims to find a cure for brain tumours, simple. They are the only national charity in the UK that is dedicated to raising funds for continuous and sustainable scientific research into brain tumours and they lead the call for greater support and action into what scientists have called ‘the last battleground against cancer.’

Go Fund Me

My family and I have set up a Go Fund Me page in order to raise funds to support the great work that Brain Tumour Research do, we’re hoping to raise £1,000 towards the cause and in memory for my mum.

I’ve never really done anything like this before but I believe in what I’m running for, the cause, the person, friends and family and the TQUK team, all of which have been great in encouraging me and pushing me to run further and train harder.

If you would like to donate to Brain Tumour Research, please follow the link to my page. Any donations large or small will be greatly received and will push me to run that little bit harder on race day. 

Final note

I started my training a few weeks ago, increasing lung capacity, getting the legs warmed up and learning some new routes around the TQUK office for after-work runs. Now it’s game time. Over the next few weeks, I aim to, with the help of the team, keep you up to date with training, sponsorship targets and thanks and get prepared for what will be an incredible day on September 8th.

This is for you Mum.

Week 5 – The Return of the Lonely Runners Club

Solo run this week – again! I struggle to get going when I’m running solo, at least that won’t be the case come race day!

The first mile was a tough one, I set off a little later tonight and once I ran past the takeaway I really just wanted my tea! Stomach growling, I trudged on and thought about that Chinese takeaway for the next 3 slow miles I managed to complete. Unfortunately, tea, when I got in, wasn’t exactly what I wanted thanks to The Golden Wok and its incredible smelling food. I’ve never been there, but if it tastes as good as it smells I need to go!

Anyway, back to that run, with a pace of 10-minute miles I’m really looking to crack on in the next run. 5 weeks till race day and I really want to get quicker, let’s not even discuss the fact I still haven’t run 10K yet…

Week 6 – The Bull and the Matador

I’m on countdown now with 4 weeks to race day!

For the first time, I was joined by Nathan (The Bull) on my run tonight, and I tell you it was a good job I was wearing blue not red, because he was right behind me all the way round my usual work circuit. Not bad for a first run in a while Nathan!

A nice warm evening (but not too warm), it felt comfortable and I feel like I could have (and probably should have) run quicker. Nathan and I ran 3.09 miles at a pace of 9.48, still no 10k in sight – but I’m sure they say to never run the actual distance of the race in training? Right?

Looking to increase the pace on the next run. 4 weeks to go!

Week 7 – ‘Bake Off’ Week

Week 7 and just when you thought you would be hearing about me running 7/8k and progressing nicely, we held our annual Training Qualifications UK ‘Bake Off’. Cake.

And whilst I was adding sugar to my running weight, all the money raised as part of the Bake Off was offered to Brain Tumour Research as part of my target, which was fantastic! It was a great day in the office and everyone made a great effort in baking and eating(!) the goods.

Winner on the day was Tom with his key lime pie, followed by Michelle’s Oreo cheesecake and 3rd was Stephanie with her awesome brownies. Kelly’s and Phil’s joint effort definitely would have won the aesthetic category with the edible gold spray paint. I loved the understated flapjacks and Chris’ chocolate piping of the TQUK logo looked amazing.

Sorry, I’m distracted, back to this week’s run…

I was joined by Paul, Nathan and Katherine for the running club, this was our best run yet and I really appreciate everyone’s support to keep me motivated, we did 3.21 miles with an average pace of 9.32. Still not where I need to be, time to crank this up, 3 weeks until race day.

Thomas Concannon (TJ), TQUK Junior Graphic Designer

Stay up to date with my training and preparation, TQUK latest news and tips by following us on TwitterFacebookInstagram and LinkedIn.